We invite all children in Preschool through Grade 5 to join us for FaithQuest Sunday School!
FaithQuest meets in between services (9:30-10:15 AM) on Sundays in the lower-level Preschool rooms.
middle school
Junior Youth (Grades 6-8) meet each Sunday in the community room at 9:30 AM. Students learn from the Bible, as well as engage in discussions about how to live and share their faith in the world.
The Senior Youth Group (Grades 9-12) meets each Sunday upstairs in the senior youth room at 9:30 AM. Students learn from the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism, as well as engage in discussions about how to live and share their faith in the world.
In addition to Sunday Bible Study, we have several fellowship opportunities throughout the year.
We have several Adult Bible Study opportunities, including:
"... train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. " - 1 Timothy 4:7-8
Are you paying attention to your spiritual growth? Attending to your relationship with God is the most important thing you can do!