Prayer Chain
Do you need prayer? Please click here Prayer Request to have your prayer request added to the Prayer Chain.
If you'd like to be a part of the Prayer Chain, Please reach out to the Church Office.
Pastoral Care
The Pastors of OSL regularly visit home and institutionally bound members who cannot regularly gather for worship. They make hospital visits to the sick, and are available to offer a listening ear, biblical guidance, prayer support, private confession, absolution, or encouragement to anyone in times of need.
Let Pastor Randall know if you will be hospitalized or if you'd like to meet with them!
Benevolence Fund
We maintain a benevolence fund specifically for members of the congregation to help them in times of short-term financial hardship. Following the model of the early church (see Acts 4:32-35), we desire that there would be no needy persons among us. This fund has assisted members with mortgage payments, utility bills, medical bills, car repair bills, and more.
For more information, please email us!
PHAM (Physical Assistance Ministry)
From time to time, members may have a need for physical assistance following hospitalization, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, or some other circumstance. There may also be needs for meals, house cleaning, yard work, rides to appointments, and more! Please reach out to the Church Office for more information.
The Elders are a group of individuals dedicated to pastoral care for the congregation. Through prayer and mutual support, they offer spiritual guidance and practical assistance.
They meet monthly and sincerely seek feedback and participation from members in their ministry, and serve in a variety of ways.
The Elder of the day assists the pastor during communion, and just as importantly, they make themselves available in person for fellowship and prayer for the church every Sunday morning.
The Elders organize events throughout the year to benefit the church. These include retreats, prayer vigils, dinners, and other related activities.
The Elders strive to regularly contact every member of the church. Each Elder has an assigned group of congregation members, but all Elders are available to anyone in need.
All of these positions are scheduled on a rotating basis depending on the individual's availability.
Select each position to learn more.
Ushers provide organization for each service by preparing the Hymn board, passing out bulletins, great visitors, passing the offering plate, and providing direction during communion.
Lay Readers read the first and second lesson, usually the Old Testament and Epistle during the service.
Projectionist runs the slides for service. Any adult and students in 8th grade and above may volunteer for this.
Acolytes are members of the Confirmation class that light the candles before service and extinguish them after. They also collect the prayer request cards and deliver the offerings to the pastor.
Communion Assistants assist the Pastor and Elder of the Day with distributing the Sacrament during service.
Communion Set-up and Takedown involves:
The Worship Team is made up of volunteers who give their time and talent to help lead worship events and services. All musicians are welcome to come to practices and, when ready and able, are invited to participate on a rotating basis with other team members.
Choir sings at the Traditional Service on Sunday mornings, as well as holidays and special occasions.
The nursery is for children 4 and under. Volunteers care for the children during the services. They also make sure the room is straightened up after service. (Parents of the children must do diaper changing) There is a pager system in the nursery so that volunteers can easily contact the parent when there is a need to do so.
For more information about serving in any of these roles, please contact the the Ministry Coordinator.